Cat Shows
In our earlier breeding days, we were regulars at the local Cat Shows in Adelaide, enjoying great times and having a lot of fun promoting our show cats and the Bengal breed.
Back then, very few people had ever seen or even heard about Bengals. Their reactions were such a highlight for us! They either couldn’t believe what they were seeing or they had travelled specifically to the Cat Shows hoping they could meet one in person or better still, pat one.
We began attending Cat Shows in 2003 with our altered British Shorthair.
There was a significant difference between showing our British Shorthair and Bengals. While British Shorthairs were admired by many, Bengals were relatively new, unknown and became an obsession to most who met them.
PICTURED – LEE & ASHMIYAH PURE REBEL at the Burmese Specialist Cat Club Show in 2011.
Whiskas Cat Show Display
The Whiskas team had a fantastic set up for displaying our Bengal cats during the Royal Adelaide Show. These viewing enclosures not only kept our precious Bengals safe, but they were also sound proof and temperature controlled for their comfort. The Ashmiyah Show cats certainly knew how to entertain the crowd.
I’m sure there’s some locals out there that remember lining up each year to purchase their Whiskas Snuggle Sack. The Sacks were a firm favourite amongst all cats and kittens.
Ashmiyah Hez Got Attitude (Dude) and his little girlfriend, Lionheart Heart Of Gold (Mitz) were a much loved duo at the Whiskas Stand.

Maddie – Wontok Maddigans Pride
The ever adorable Maddie spent some time at the Cat Shows in NSW. She picked up a number of awards and ribbons after wooing the judges with her stunning blue eyes, fine looks and cheeky personality.
Madd’s was our first Seal Lynx Point Show cat. She joined us in 2009.

Zaya – Ashmiyah Apache Raindance
Ashmiyah Apache Raindance
Zaya spend very little time at the Cat Shows. However, the time she did spend on the bench she collected hearts and judges awe. There wasn’t a judge out there that didn’t comment about how her features truely resembled an Asian Leopard Cat.
Zaya was the daughter of our Gen 6 USA imported Stud cat. We always said she was our precious throwback. She looked more like a Gen 4 and she acted like one too.
Zaya was quirky. She stole things. She sang the Song of her People at 3am sharp! –Every dang night! She’d tuck gifts in bed with us too. We’d always wake up to something.

Rebel – Ashmiyah Pure Rebel
Ashmiyah Pure Rebel
Rebs was a cracker good boy at the Cat Shows and everyone loved him. He never left a single Show without a win.
At just 5 months of age he took out his first Supreme of Show and that led to many more before we retired him from the bench.
We were always amazed at the following he had with the public and we loved that many would travel to the Cat Shows when they knew Rebel would be there. He never disappointed his fans. He always had cuddles for everyone who visited!
Rebel had a secret weapon at the Shows. 🙂 A fabulous breeder friend of mine would tuck a baby Rebel down her top for good luck prior to him being judged. This got harder and harder to do as he grew to full size, but for giggles a group of us would crowd around her and Rebel for his ‘Good Luck’ tuck. I reckon it must have worked because, as I said, he never left a Show without a win.

Mitz, Dude and More!
Mitz and Dude
For a while we benched Mitz – Lionheart Heart Of Gold and Dude – Ashmiyah Hez Got Attitude. Both did extremely well at each of the Cat Shows they attended.
But Dude… Was always the bridesmaid to Mitz. She always ranked 1st and took the win and Dude was always her Reserve Best.
Together they made the most beautiful Bengal babies you could ever see.

Sancheita Kakoda Trail
Buried in ribbons and highlighted with the green curtains is Koda. One of our first Show Bengals. He was an exceptionally well bred Brown Marble with a chaotic pattern. Marbles had very little recognition back in those days (2009) and we wanted to see his quality was Showcased to the judges.
As you can see, he was well received at the Cat Shows and was awarded with lots of wins!

Fond Memories
I captured this very special photo of Julie, Ian, and Rhonda shortly before we all stopped attending the Cat Shows. We breathed all things Bengal! Just as Bengal breeders should!
Julie was the founder and breeder of Sanchieta Bengal Cats (Now Retired).
Ian (my husband) is the co-founder of Ashmiyah Bengal Cats.
Our beloved Rhonda, who passed away shortly after this photo was taken, was the founder and proud owner of Kapoona Bengal Cats.
There was never a dull cat show with us in attendance. We certainly made some great memories and shared the best times.

Rhonda’s memory lives on at the Shows and there is a special memorial award each year that is awarded in her honour.